TV Sessions: Better Call Saul Live Reaction - 6x10 “Nippy”

better call saul nippy

Gabe and Luke are back for their weekly Better Call Saul discussion as we got another new episode and this one was a very memorable instalment! This week’s episode titled “Nippy” was completely different then the previous emotionally exhausting ones and we thoroughly enjoyed our first stand alone Gene-centric experience. Tons of fun for us talking about it as usual. See you next week as we inch closer and closer to the imminent conclusion of this masterpiece!

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TV Sessions is a biweekly podcast that goes in-depth on some of Television's greatest dramas. TV fanatics and Co-hosts Gabe and Luke, have a huge passion for analyzing and debating specific details in all of their favourite shows. From favourite seasons, episodes, characters and moments, we love taking deep-dives into these stories and investigating what it is exactly that makes these shows so great.