River Phoenix: Five Films for Newcomers

Written by Andreas Babiolakis

River Phoenix would have been fifty one today, but the world lost him far too soon at the young age of twenty three. Still, in such a short amount of time, he captured entire audiences of so many different worlds. The world was just getting to know him and the height of his capabilities. Typically, it’s hard to narrow down an entire filmography to just five works, but that isn’t the case this time around. If only we could have seen what was next in store with this young, captivating thespian. At least we have a handful of brilliant performances that we can include here. Here are five films for newcomers of the films of River Phoenix.


5. Sneakers

I feel like a number of other River Phoenix films can apply for this fifth spot, but today I’m feeling Sneakers. It’s an interesting supporting role of his, but it’s one of the other better films that were available after I chose my top four. Besides, seeing Phoenix square up with veterans like Robert Redford, Sydney Poitier, Ben Kingsley and more is a treat for sure.


4. Dogfight

Phoenix was stellar in coming-of-age performances (as you’ll find more cases below), and something as different as Nancy Savoca’s Dogfight is a fine example to check out. Phoenix plays the before-and-after phases of a Marine, and his discoveries of life and romance to boot. It’s a much lesser known work of his, but not any less worthy of checking out, just for his strong performance alone.


3. Stand by Me

The first film that placed Phoenix on the map was the comedy drama Stand By Me, where he was able to embrace the freedoms of youth and the darkness of maturation. Of course, all of the child actors here do a great job, but there’s something about Phoenix that just lingered the longest, as if he wasn’t a kid imagining the hardships of the teen years or adulthood that were around the corner; he was already there.


2. Running on Empty

The sole Academy Award nomination Phoenix ever got was for the Sidney Lumet picture Running on Empty. Lumet was aiming for an interesting experiment here: perhaps a counter-counter-culture picture, where a modern day James Dean was breaking away from the escapist lifestyle bestowed upon him. It’s an interesting role that Phoenix soars with, stealing the show from greats like Judd Hirsch and Christine Lahti.


1. My Own Private Idaho

The greatest role River Phoenix ever pulled off was in Gus Van Sant’s My Own Private Idaho: a daring independent film from the New Queer Cinema movement. The entire film is exquisite and bold, but it’s a particular moment where Phoenix delivers a monologue that will stay with you forever: a few minutes of some of the purest acting of the ‘90s (hell, even ever). Otherwise, Phoenix is so enigmatic as a narcoleptic hustler in this unique take on Henry IV, and it’s a must that this is where you start with his filmography.

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Andreas Babiolakis has a Masters degree in Film and Photography Preservation and Collections Management from Ryerson University, as well as a Bachelors degree in Cinema Studies from York University. His favourite times of year are the Criterion Collection flash sales and the annual Toronto International Film Festival.